Saturday, August 6, 2011

Youth Night at Chandler Campmeeting...

We were privileged to have past Camp President Rev. Bob England in service Friday night. The Youth led by Drew Walker also shared Pizza and fellowship afterwards in the Family Life Center of Chandler Nazarene Church.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Campmeeting 2011 Update

Campmeeting 2011 is off to a great start with great preaching by John Blair and great singing with he and Linda! Special Youth Night Friday august 5th with Pizza and fun after the service. Boardmeeting and annual elections saturday night at 6:00Pm. Special healing service Sunday Night at 6:00PM. See ya there!

Service begin at 7:00PM nightly and 6:00PM Sunday.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Indoor Camp 2011-May 8-18...

Weekly News-Indoor Camp & Spring Revival

  • Please add our Indoor Camp-meeting and Spring Revival to your prayer list now. Rev. Russel Coffee will be at Boonville Wesleyan Church from May 11th-15th, 2011 in conjunction with Chandler Holiness Indoor Camp. Indoor Camp will be May 8-18, at Boonville Wesleyan featuring local Wesleyan and Nazarene Pastors and their church's special music. Special music for revival service will be provided by Boonville Wesleyan.
  • Services will begin at 6:00PM nightly on Sundays and 7:00PM all other nights.
  • For more info call 812-897-4484 or email

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Camp Board Meeting...

ATTENTION CHANDLER CAMP BOARD MEMBERS: There will be a meeting this Tuesday February 22, 2011 at Rev. Dennis King's house. The meeting will begin at 7:00PM CST. Please let Bro. King know if you cannot be there. If you have a different phone or address please let Jeanie Lutz know at 812-925-7013.